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Dedicated to Teaching Individuals to Swim Confidently

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  • We belong to the Swimming Teachers Association of Gauteng and Swim South Africa. We are fully insured and are qualified First Aiders & Lifesavers.


  • Our Driver has a Public Drivers Permit and our vehicle is fully insured. The Caravelle has fitted seat belts.


  • Our swimming season is from January to May and September to December.  Certificates showing your child’s progress are handed out during the first week of December.


  • We start on Friday 02 October 2020.

Gill’s Swimming & Coaching Academy has been operating for more than 25 years.  We have taught thousands of children to swim. Some children have gone on to represent their schools in swimming galas. We are hoping one day to have a child go on to swim for South Africa in the Olympics. 

Our aim is to teach children of all ages to swim and enjoy the water.  Swimming is the best form of exercise as it is the sport with the least amount of stress on the body.  It is especially good for children as their bodies are constantly growing and developing. 

We as ‘Learn to Swim’ Instructors teach water safety first.  For example, how to get children to get themselves in and out of a swimming pool safely, how to get themselves to the side of the pool if they accidently fall in.  We teach with swimming aides like pool noodles and kicking boards. Children learn how to move through the water by kicking their legs, moving their arms and how to breathe in the water (blowing bubbles out into the water). And finally happily putting their faces into the water.  Going under the water is often the most difficult part and a big step for children of all ages.

We will never force a child to do something they fear.  We encourage, but never force, so each individual child develops at his or her own pace. We believe that swimming should be fun.  Children must learn to enjoy the water and feel safe and comfortable in it. 

From those basic skills and for those interested in going further, we teach them the 4 swimming stokes, how to do proper racing dives, correct starts and finishes and the rules related to swimming the various strokes in galas.  We also teach basic live saving skills.


Children are never safe around water, so after we have taught your children to ‘be safe’ in the water, you can never leave them alone around a pool or any body of water.  It takes seconds should someone trip, bump their head and fall into the water and drown.


We teach children of all ages to swim, as well as adults.  It is never too late to learn to swim.  The earliest we take children is from 2 / 2½ years old.  We believe that before then a child is not physically able to learn to swim.  They do not have the right muscle development to swim, but that does not mean that you can’t let them enjoy the water with you, just put some water wings on, hold them in your arms and play with them in the pool.

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