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We are reopening our swimming school on 01 October.  For those that are keen to send the children back for swimming lessons, we are ready to go with all safety precautions in place.  For those that are still nervous, please reconsider… Because of the chlorine in the pool we are the safest extra mural activity your child could choose, good exercise, learning a Life Skill and a lot of fun too.


We will arrive to collect your child in a fully sanitised bus.  We will be taking your child’s temperature before they get into the bus and they will always be required to wear their face mask, except of course when they are in the water.  We will provide a ziplock bag for them to place their mask into while they are swimming.  All our staff will wear face shields and face masks, where possible. There will be a hand sanitising station before the children enter the swimming pool area. The swimming bus will be sanitised after each load. While the children are waiting for their turn to swim, we will make sure there is social distancing in place.


I have spent the whole of lockdown renovating the pool, so it looks new and fresh and above it is clean.


We are ready and will take every necessary precaution to keep your child safe while they are in our care.

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